Best Fundraiser for 2019
It takes a lot to be considered “the BEST”, and there are lots of variables to determine what actually is BEST. At Savory Sweets Fundraising we pride ourselves on taking every single step to actually be the best.
Products: Our products are held to such a high standard. We are Quality and Safety Certified and we stand behind our 100% satisfaction guarantee. We use high quality ingredients like Reese’s Peanut Butter and Hershey’s chocolate. We use real butter, real eggs, real sugar. Only the BEST ingredients for our customers.
Service: Our sales staff is highly trained to offer you the best customer service. We spend hours in trainings and share tips back and forth. Fundraising is special- we are here to help YOU to be successful and we love when our customers reach their goals. Our staff is the BEST.
Programs: Our fundraising programs are extremely unique. Where else can you pick your selling price? Where else can you pick and choose what incentives to use? Where else can you pick your delivery date and time? Our fundraising programs are set up with your BEST interest in mind.
If you used something different for your fundraising in 2018, what are you waiting for?? Jump on board with the BEST and have the BEST fundraiser of 2019!!