Comparing Savory Sweets to Other Fund-Raisers is Like Comparing Apples & Oranges.

Our Gourmet products are truly unique.
Savory Sweets Fundraising is proud to manufacture products that encourage a fun, at home family activity... fresh, Homestyle Ready-to-Bake Cookies. Our uniquely delicious cookie dough is a great family treat, and it's fun & easy to enjoy together. Most people compare our cookies to the expensive gourmet cookies at the mall. However, our cookie dough is not available in any store. For variety, we've added both Gourmet Caramel Corn (a favorite family treat) and Lavalicious Fudge Cakes (a dessert that's out of this world.) Our delicious products have helped thousands of schools, churches, cheerleaders, little leagues, soccer teams & other non-profit organizations raise funds in a new, exciting & unique way!

Wrapping paper, calendars, magazines... everyone has been asked to buy them as a fund-raiser at one time or another. You may have already used these fundraising concepts for your organization in the past. If so, you're aware of the many negatives associated with an ordinary fund-raiser. Fortunately, Savory Sweets Fundraising Gourmet quality offerings are like no ordinary fund-raiser. People do not buy our products because they feel guilty... they buy because they're delicious, value-driven items that are truly unique.
When was the last time you called the person who sold you a product as a fund-raiser and asked for more? Most of our fund-raisers now plan a follow-up sale to handle the additional demand that comes from offering naturally fresh and delicious products! Our fundraising concept is so easy to do, that it has become the main event for many organizations throughout the nation. At Savory Sweets Fundraising, we put the fun back into fundraising!